Friday, 21 August 2015

You and your mouse

What can you do with a mouse?

Before you start, you'll notice that this empty space in the middle is where you will do your work. What you will do it with depends on what you are trying to achieve...
The Home icons on Windows Word 2013
These icons will be doing the hard work for you. And all you need to do is click on the right "button" or icon

From the pictures on the mouse on my desk, you will see 4 actions that you can carry out to achieve what you want:
The pointer


When you move the pointer on the screen, you will notice that this little arrow is ready for anything and if something is worse clicking on, like an icon, the icon will change showing you can choose that action.



Left Click


Monday, 17 August 2015

Screen capture

Screen capture Vs Screenshot

Working with computers is quite confusing, been there!

Knowing a lot about everything when working with computers makes life easier, when working with computers.

How do you provide "evidence" of the different steps that you have to go through for a course?

Even smartphone will allow you to share what the device displayed for your eyes only.  Here, I have used one button <Prt Scr>
Mine, on the full keyboard is situated next to the function key <F12>

On my laptop, it is in the same area, but it is now between <insert> and <delete>

Where's yours?

Useful Websites - Being Productive

You want more?

In preparing for the eventuality that you are either stuck or hungry for additional information, I have decided to compile a list of on-line tools to help you manage your needs.

Storing data

Microsoft Help

We all get stuck on Microsoft products as they are always new functions available or we have to get used to a new version:

IT Tutor

Welcome to My IT blog

I have introduced myself in a email if you are my student, but I would like to add more about myself to develop your learning about some of the key topics you will be visiting in your course and in your professional life.

I have been working with computers since April 1988. I remember the excitement that I felt setting eyes on my first computer and the pounding in my chest bringing it back home.

Since, I have done stuff like managing an Interactive Learning System, ran a Networking Academy, gained networking and computer maintenance qualifications, became an instructor for the courses I had successfully completed, completed a degree in IT and Computing, became a lecturer in computing.... so, I am a geek!!!